Malkolm Boothroyd Whitehorse, Yukon

Malkolm is from Whitehorse, Yukon. He grew up hiking and paddling through some of the world’s most rugged and remote wilderness, and from a young age became fascinated with birds, artwork, and exploring. Malkolm attributes his love of the outdoors and dedication to environmental activism to his parents who have dedicated years to environmental activism in the North. Malkolm loves to find art in nature and capture images that portray the outdoors in its most beautiful moments.

Isidore Champagne Whitehorse, Yukon

Isidore Champagne is a photographer from Whitehorse, Yukon. He has been shooting photos for 4 years now. Currently completing ninth grade, his passions are skiing, biathlon, the outdoors and photography. He is still exploring the various fields of photography and has yet to specialize.

Robby Dick
Ross River, Yukon

Robby Dick is a member of the Kaska Dene First Nation and has been working closely with the elders for the last 4 years. He grew up in Tu Łidlini (where the waters flow) all his life. He is an avid hunter and is a strong traditional Dene man who travels across the country for Dene drumming. He is a passionate about his language and indigenous culture. He attended Dechinta Bush University in the spring of 2017. Dechinta is an educational establishment, located in the northern Canada at Blachford Lake, Yellowknife that specializes in teaching the traditional skills found in northern Canada, whilst being university accredited

Angela Gzowski
Yellowknife, NWT

Angela Gzowski is an award-winning northern photographer. Born and raised inYellowknife, Northwest Territories, Angela earned a BFA in Photography from the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design. Equally at home doing portraits in her Yellowknife studio as she is bouncing in the back of a snowmobile at -40 in Canada’s Far North, her photojournalism has taken her all across the NWT, Nunavut and Yukon.

Chris Kelly is a part time, primarily landscape-based photographer with a focus on northern lights. Chris currently lives in Tuktoyaktuk, Northwest Territories and is formerly of Lutlsel K’e and Fort McPherson. Chris is a self-taught photographer, who is always willing to broaden his knowledge base to realize his creative visions.He recently dove into the competitive landscape photography market and is now selling prints locally as well as via his web-based company Chris Kelly Photography. Chris doesn’t offer workshops as of yet but is always willing help others better understand their cameras or determine what is required to get their perfect shot.

Chris Kelly Tuktoyuktuk, NWT

Caleb Little Iqaluit, Nunavut

Caleb Little is an Inuk/Canadian photographer based in Iqaluit, Nunavut. With a depth of professional experience ranging from Deputy Sheriff to television, to photography, Caleb brings a diverse perspective to his work

Mason Mantla is a photographer and filmmaker from Behchoko, Northwest Territories on Tłıchǫ̨ First Nation territory. Mason has worked with photographers in the north to develop his skills while capturing life with his family and friends in Behchokǫ̀ and Yellowknife

Mason Mantla
Behchokǫ̀, NWT

Weronika Murray is a photographer based in Inuvik, Northwest Territories. She has worked on a wide variety of stories in the North but her personal work often revolves around the issues of sustainability and impacts of climate change on northern communities. As someone who has lived in the Arctic full time since 2013 she has the perspective and local knowledge of someone who deals with northern issues every day.

Weronika Murray
Inuvik, NWT

Shayla Snowshoe is a Tetlit Gwich’in First Nation from Tetlit Zheh, Northwest Territories. Shayla’s photography has a special focus on the Indigenous cultures of the North. She is taking Native Studies & Education at the University of Alberta. Her dream is to one day teach about theIndigenous history, cultures and language, as well as photography in her community. Shayla is also a new mother who wishes to live a healthy and happy life with her daughter, Dani-Mae.

Shayla Snowshoe Fort MacPherson, NWT