GOAL 1: No Poverty
Goal 2: Zero Hunger
GOAL 3: Good Health & Wellbeing
GOAL 4: Quality Education
GOAL 5: Gender Equality
GOAL 6: Clean Water & Sanitation
GOAL 7: Affordable & Clean Energy
GOAL 8: Decent Work & Economic Growth
GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure
GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality
GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities & Communities
GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption & Production
GOAL 13: Climate Action
GOAL 14: Life Below Water
GOAL 15: Life On The Land
GOAL 16: Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions
GOAL 17: Partnerships For The Goals
GOAL 1: No Poverty
GOAL 1: No Poverty

Canada is a very rich country but there is still much poverty. The wealth gap is such that your economic situation can completely change your life. Many sports, like biathlon are only accessible to the rich. Ending poverty would mean making it so everyone has the same opportunity to follow their dreams, regardless of their financial situation.

Goal 2: Zero Hunger
Goal 2: Zero Hunger

About a third of the planet’s food goes to waste. Canada is very bad in this respect. About 25% of fruit and vegetables are wasted on the supplier side of things. A good way to avert this is to produce food on your own. This results in much less food waste. If food production and distribution were more efficient, our planet could be feeding many more people.

GOAL 3: Good Health & Wellbeing
GOAL 3: Good Health & Wellbeing

There are many components to good health and well being. A big one that is often overlooked is beauty. A body of scientific studies has shown that people who live in more aesthetically pleasing surroundings have better cognitive functioning, better mood, etc. As humans, we have a big positive reaction to beauty. Hospital patients with beautiful surroundings can actually recover faster and need less pain medication.

GOAL 4: Quality Education
GOAL 4: Quality Education

A quality education means learning useful life skills as well as important general information about the world. This means applying acquired knowledge in the real world. 

Here, students are learning avalanche safety through real world experience.

GOAL 5: Gender Equality
GOAL 5: Gender Equality

Gender Equality is less of a problem in certain fields. Photography is an art in which equality is a very big problem. There are many more male photographers than female photographers, resulting in female perspectives being shared and celebrated less often.

GOAL 6: Clean Water & Sanitation
GOAL 6: Clean Water & Sanitation

Canada has a lot of clean water, but as Canadians we squander a disastrous amount of it. We are also sometimes not careful when it comes to invasive aquatic species. I think that this is because we have lost sight of how valuable water is for our world. 

GOAL 7: Affordable & Clean Energy
GOAL 7: Affordable & Clean Energy

A wood stove is a common way to heat a house in the Yukon. But, it can be more harmful to the environment and air if used in less optimal ways. 

Burning your wood hot and fast will greatly reduce the amount of smoke produced. Also, using dead wood from beetle kill or forest fires is a good way to avoid cutting down healthy trees.

GOAL 8: Decent Work & Economic Growth
GOAL 8: Decent Work & Economic Growth

Decent work and economic growth means having a fair opportunity to make a living wage. Finding your passions at an earlier age can help build your resume and start figuring out what you want to do for a living.

GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure
GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure

When building a new school, designers aim to have a flexible space that can adapt to changing programs and teaching methods. Instead of having only classrooms, a modern school will have many different learning spaces, to accommodate everyone’s needs. 

GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality
GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality

Reduced Inequalities means that everybody has a chance to become a productive member of society. Just like a snowflake, every one is different and has a unique contribution to make. 

GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities & Communities
GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities & Communities

As more and more people live in cities, maximizing the efficiency of these places is key. LEED is a way to create greener and more efficient buildings. It stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design.

GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption & Production
GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption & Production

Responsible consumption means being mindful of plastics. Single use plastics are extremely wasteful, as they will be used once before spending more than 500 years in the environment. 

GOAL 13: Climate Action
GOAL 13: Climate Action

This is a Misumena vatia, or goldenrod crab spider. It is native to the temperate climate of the United States and southern Canada. This one was spotted in a forest in the Yukon. This is not a species that is supposed to live in such a cold environment.

The Canadian Wildlife Federation identifies this spider as one that is sensitive to its environment. It should not be able to live outside its natural habitat. Due to climate change, species will be moving into new spaces and upsetting the balance that nature has put in place. 

GOAL 14: Life Below Water
GOAL 14: Life Below Water

This is a close-up of part of a fishing weir. It is used in arctic grayling counts. It will educate us on their population and when and how they traverse this river. This can help with deciding how much we should be fishing this particular species. 

GOAL 15: Life On The Land
GOAL 15: Life On The Land

Life on land means preserving the ecological balance of nature. The Yukon has vast areas of intact ecosystems that deserve to be preserved. 

GOAL 16: Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions
GOAL 16: Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions

A community greenhouse is a very good way to produce food and strengthen communities. Establishments like these can create opportunities to interact with neighbours and help bring a community together. This in turn promotes peace.

GOAL 17: Partnerships For The Goals
GOAL 17: Partnerships For The Goals

Partnership For The Goals means getting together with your community to make these goals a reality.